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Shape Shifters With YOGA

Many People want to know how YOGA differs from other forms of exercise, and why they should follow this ancient form of exercise when there are so many new and exciting options around.

  • YOGA works on your internal organs. The exercises massage the internals organs. This helps in their better functioning and makes you healthy inside out.
  • YOGA teaches you the right way to breath and to control your breathing. Did you know that just by breathing properly you  could control ageing?
  • Third, YOGA  Propels you on  the path of self-realization. With regular practice, you can understand yourself better, and learn to control your anger as well as various negativities and urges.
  • Fourth, there is a popular myth that ‘YOGA dosen’t make you lose weight’. This is absolutely incorrect. If done in the right way , YOGA can definitely help you lose weight and that too naturally, with-out popping pills and taking fat burners .  And all this without any side effects.
    When Youi hold an ASANA  for more than a minute, it melts the fats cells and help you to reduce weight. You can lose kilos or inches with dites as well, bit you can never look toned. You have to exercise to prevent   to your body from looking flabby and shriveled.
  • Fifth Yoga consist of certain inverted postures or asanas in which you have to bend down and the blood flows to the head and other areas. Such inverted postures are unique only to yoga and do not form a part of any other form of exercise When the blood flow is directed towards these organs , it lends an extra glow to the face cure aliments like migraine, sinusitis, asthma, acne, etc…..

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A Complete Overview of the Yoga History

In the Indian   yogic culture, the first yogic Guru or the Adi Guru is regarded as Lord Shiva. Shiva in yogic practice is known as the relentless mediator and is depicted as sitting in elongated state of deep serene in an undisturbed meditation. The ideal Yogi Shiva with his spiritual practices, encased amidst his incredible spiritual abilities has offered the concept of yoga a celestial tinge.

In the history of Yoga, the term Yoga was probably first used in the Rigveda, then in the Yajurveda and Atharvaveda and also in such later Vedic works as the Satapath. Since nature is the base for these Upanishads, so it is certainly not an overstatement to say that the technique of yoga such as asana and kriyas developed from nature. Meditation on the sacred syllable OM and the idea of controlling the respiratory system as an aid to the process of meditation seems also to belong to the very early period.


many people are taking up yoga techniques for physical exercise, and most don’t know the history of yoga.They believe there is nothing wrong with implementing this form of exercise into their daily regiment to promote a more healthy body. the practice of yoga is much more than a system of physical exercise for health. Yoga is an ancient path to spiritual growth, and originates out of India where Induism is practiced. The practice and goal of yoga dates back to the Upanishads, written between 1000-5000 BC.

Yoga (Sanskrit, Pāli: योग yóga) refers to traditional physical and mental disciplines originating in India. The word is associated with meditative practices in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism.

Yoga includes attention to all aspects of practice: asana, pranayama, chanting, study of Patañjali's Yoga Sutras, and lifestyle inquiries.

Yoga as a Hindu philosophy("darshana") is first expounded in theYoga Sutras of Patanjali. This earliest school of Yoga retrospectively came to be known by the retronym Raja Yoga to distinguish it from later schools.

Yoga is said to be as old as civilization, there is no physical evidence to support this claim. Earliest archaeological evidence of Yoga's existence could be found in stone seals which depict figures of Yoga Poses. The stone seals place Yoga's existence around 3000 B.C.

Is it spiritual?

The history of yoga is based in the Indus Valley civilization. The techniques are practiced by the Indus to initiate spiritual growth. The yogis encourage union with the finite jiva (transitory self) and with the infinite Brahman (eternal self). Brahman is a term used by the Hindus to mean “God.” So, what are we supposed to unite with? Yogis usually think of God as an impersonal, spiritual substance, coexisting with all of reality. This doctrine is called pantheism which is the view that everything is God. In the Bible, God reveals Himself as the personal Creator of the universe.

Since it is taught by the yogis that everything is God, it then stands to reason, man is God. Christianity, on the other hand, teaches us there is a clear distinction between man and God. Since God is the Creator, we are one of his creations and created “in the image” of God.

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